B2B Email Marketing Statistics to Boost your Email Strategy in 2020

Email is a fully-fledged technology that has been around for quite some time now. However, unlike other technologies from its time, email services stand its ground to this day. 

In fact, many marketers and brands consider emails one of their strongest assets to this day. This gave rise to many studies and researches regarding email marketing.

To make things easier for you, I collected the most recent data and findings in B2B email marketing statistics for 2020. Let’s dive in to check them out.

B2B General Email Marketing Statistics

Although business to business emails have huge similarities to those sent to customers, they tend to have some minor differences.

Here are some general case studies, facts, statistics, and research findings that regards email marketing:

  1. According to Statista, in 2018, there were 3.8 billion registered email users worldwide. This number is predicted to jump to 4.4 billion users in 2023.
  2. By the end of 2019, more than 293 billion emails will be sent and received across all devices.
  3. According to other research, this number will bounce to 347 billion emails (sent and received) by 2022.
  4. In 2018, Radicati Group reported that there were 1.75 email accounts per single user in the United States.
  5. 99% of buyers, consumers, and customers check their email accounts every day.
  6. Whether they’re at home, work, or mobile consumers, email users check their personal accounts about 20 times every day.
  7. In a more digitally saturated market like the United Kingdom and Europe, this ratio jumps to 2.5 accounts for every user in 2019 as per the Data & Marketing Association of the UK.
  8. By the end of 2019, Active email accounts will be 5.6 accounts.
  9. In 2018, 77% of the United States population used email. The number is expected to grow to 80% by 2022.
  10. According to both Litmus and Campaign Monitor, The two most dominant email service clients in 2019 are Gmail with 27% market share, with Apple’s iOS Mail in the first place with 29%.
  11. Last year, 17.6% of email clients were through desktops. In 2019, the number grew to 18%.
  12. In late 2017, Content Marketing Institute reported that 77% of B2B companies and agencies utilize an email marketing newsletter as an integral part of their content marketing plan.
  13. 40% of B2B marketers said that email newsletters are the most critical source to the success of their content marketing plan
  14. 93% of business to business marketers use email as one of their content distribution routes.
  15. About 79% of B2B marketing companies and agencies report that email is their most successful channel for distributing their content.
  16. As per the Content Marketing Institute, experts use 5 top metrics to measure email marketing success. These metrics are delivery rate (36%), bounce rate (40%), conversion rate (67%), open rate (78%), and click-through rate at first place with (91%).
  17. As for the tools and software used by business to customers marketers, email marketing software was found among the top 3 spots. The other two were analytics tools and social media publishing software.
  18. According to a case study done by QuickSprout in 2019, your email subscribers are about 4 times more likely to share the content you make on their social media accounts.
  19. In 2019, Litmus revealed that webmail is accounted for 39% of all the mails, jumping from 33.3% in 2018.
  20. In the United States alone, It’s estimated that $350 million were spent on email advertising in 2019.
  21. For every $1 spent on email marketing, there’s an expected potential return of $44. This means it has a return on investment rate of 4400%.
  22. A study by Campaign Monitor showed that more than 50% of U.S. respondents check their email accounts for more than 10 times a day. They also revealed that email is their most preferred way to receive updates from brands they follow.
  23. Segmented email campaigns were found to be one of the most successful. Marketers who used it saw a 760%increase in revenue.
  24. Adestra reported that 73% of millennial customers prefer messages from companies to come through email.

Final Words

Email marketing continues to be one of the greatest techniques to drive greater online traffic for your business. Always remember that using emails is an asset that puts you in-line with marketing elites.

There you have it. Putting these 47 B2B email marketing statistics, facts, and analyses in mind on your next email will help you reach out to more clients and expect higher ROI.