10 Google Search Statistics 2020

(Just For Fun) 

  1. Google handles over 75,000 queries per second.
  1. Google’s share of mobile search traffic is over 85% globally.
  1. Google’s search volume grows by 10%–15% per year.
  1. Local searches account for 46% of all searches on Google.
  1. Google Home’s US penetration increased from 7% to 23% in 2018.
  1. Moving up one spot in Google’s search results can increase CTRs by up to 30.8%.
  1. Only 0.78% of searchers click on results from Google’s second page.
  1. Users are 4 times more likely to click on a paid search ad on Google compared to any of its competitors.
  1. Over 200 factors are taken into account by Google when delivering search results.
  1. 50% of the search queries in Google are 4 words or longer.