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Top 10 Enterprise SEO Trends You Need to Know in 2021
Top 10 Enterprise SEO Trends You Need to Know in 2021 Enterprise SEO trends can help guide the website and digital marketing improvements that drive traffic, brand recognition, and revenue. Implementing the proper search engine optimization (SEO) strategies is one of the most effective ways for attracting qualified traffic to your website. Approximately 68% of online experiences begin with a search engine and only 0.78% of Google searches result in a click on second-page search results. What does this mean for your organization? To generate consistent, qualified traffic, you need to rank on

What Every Business Owner Needs to Know About Their Website
What Every Business Owner Needs to Know About Their Website Nowadays, a website is the first interaction you will have with a potential client and the place where you will lead all of your other online efforts to impress customers, and/or potential customs. To avoid getting too technical, when you think about your website, you should think of it as your permanent salesman. This salesman is available 24/7 promoting, educating, and helping current clients with all their needs. Your website is the one crucial multi-tool of your business. You can
6 Social Sites to Use for Your Business
6 Social Media Sites You Should Be Using For Your Business Most of us use social media daily – as many as 4.2 BILLION people log onto some sort of social platform daily. Because of this, it’s no surprise that we also use these channels to make purchases and interact with brands that we enjoy. 54% of people use social media to research, browse, and buy products and services. So if you’re asking yourself whether you should invest in social media and promote your business, the answer is YES! We
How Your Website Has a Direct Affect on Your Business || Seven Questions to Ask Yourself
How Your Website Has a Direct Effect on Your Business – Seven Questions to Ask Yourself Your website is a direct representation of you and your company and the design and functionality can either help or hurt your brand, product, or service. Your website is often the first impression you make to any potential client or customer. Now more than ever the success of your business can be directly affected by your website. Enhancing User Experience Through Page Functionality A well-designed website will balance beauty and functionality. UI/UX is a
Get More Customers by Utilizing Google My Business
Get More Customers by Utilizing Google My Business Quick Tip & Check List! To really make your Google My Business profile work for you, you must optimize it. Here are a few quick and easy ways to do that. A Google My Business account lets you show up in search results when people are looking for you online. It’s free, which makes it an affordable marketing tool for all businesses. Your Google My Business listing includes contact information, business hours, and other essential details. You can post updates to share
LinkedIn Practical Tips & Messages – How To Do
How to Do a Cold Outreach Campaign on LinkedIn? Practical Tips & Message Example The pandemic has hit us hard. Canceled events, no face-to-face meetings, social life completely shut down. No wonder that business people around the globe are turning to the online world more often now in search of places where they can still carry out a business dialog and make it as effective as possible. And what’s the best place if not Linkedin, with over 722 million members, 40% of whom use it daily? Everyone is there. Decision-makers from
Powerful Digital Marketing Statistics and Facts for 2021
Powerful Digital Marketing Statistics and Facts for 2021 The digital marketing industry is dynamic and ever-changing. This is why you must keep up with new advancements in the sector. The last thing you want, especially if you have a startup business, is to lag behind and watch rivals get ahead, simply because they’re better informed. So what’s the best way to determine the new changes in your industry? The easiest way to ensure your business stays relevant is to keep abreast of key marketing statistics. I’ve compiled a list of
How Search Algorithms Work || Information You Want To Know
How Search Algorithms Work With the amount of information available on the web, finding what you need would be nearly impossible without some help sorting through it. Google ranking systems are designed to do just that: sort through hundreds of billions of webpages in our Search index to find the most relevant, useful results in a fraction of a second, and present them in a way that helps you find what you’re looking for. These ranking systems are made up of not one, but a whole series of algorithms. To
Why You Need To Be Utilizing Email Marketing
Why You Need To Be Utilizing Email Marketing Email is a fully-fledged technology that has been around for quite some time now. However, unlike other technologies from its time, email services stand it’s ground to this day. In fact, many marketers and brands consider emails one of their strongest assets to this day. This gave rise to many studies and researches regarding email marketing. To make things easier for you, I collected the most recent data and findings in B2B email marketing statistics for 2021. Let’s dive in to check
Five (5) Digital Marketing Trends Every Business Needs To Implement Before Summer 2021
Five Digital Marketing Trends Every Business Needs To Implement Before Summer 2021 In the 21st century, technology has revolutionized our lives and is undergoing a process of continual development and acceleration. The landscape of the Internet, in particular, is constantly evolving and changing. For your business to continue to experience growth and expansion, it is crucial that you adapt and adjust your digital marketing strategies accordingly. Digital marketing in 2021 will require a multi-faceted and diverse approach, incorporating some of the tried-and-tested trends of previous years whilst also capitalizing
Search Engine Journal + Five SEO Misconceptions
Search Engine Journal on Five Seo Misconceptions May 18, 2021 First, of course, the usual warning applies. Readability can be a red flag here; when SEO gets real, there are a lot of asterisks (and the asterisks have asterisks). Having said that, this article stayed nicely in tune with the notes we’ve seen from SEO authorities in public channels over the past couple of years. Here’s a quick overview of the five SEO misconceptions That Social Signals Impact Ranking. In reality, Google is aware that social media doesn’t work like the
11 Hacks that’ll Get your Call-To-Action Button Clicked
11 Hacks that’ll Get your Call-To-Action Button Clicked. Conversation rates optimization – Visitors who don’t click, don’t convert. Without those clicks on your call-to-action buttons, you’re going to get subscribers, orders, or attendees to your live events. Your call to action is the gateway to increasing conversions on web pages. Get your buttons clicked and increase your conversion rate by using the right hacks — i.e., tactical steps that will lead to growth. Crafting the perfect call-to-action is one thing — getting the right people to click it is another.
What is Pay Per Click advertising?
What is Pay Per Click advertising? Many small business owners underestimate the benefit of PPC and as a result, they are missing out on a big opportunity to grow their online businesses fast in a controlled and profitable manner. The general idea about PPC is that it allows you to reach targeted audiences fast by specifying who will see your ads (either by entering specific keywords or demographic characteristics) and you only pay when someone performs an action on your ad. We frequently recommend PPC for new websites. SEO has
8 Reasons Why Your Website Should be on WordPress
8 Reasons Why Your Website Should be on WordPress WordPress has been gaining steam since its inception in 2003. Since then it has managed to garner over ⅓ of all websites on the internet! Gone are the days of WordPress not being a great platform. Companies such as UPS, GM and Microsoft have joined the likes of Sony Music, The New York Times and The Walt Disney Company to use the platform for their websites. Pretty good company if I do say myself. That being said, WordPress has become the
Is Your Website Ready for SEO?
Is Your Website Ready for SEO? Before you begin a search engine optimization campaign you need to ask yourself a question. Is your website ready for SEO? Not having a good foundation to build on will not deliver optimal results. That being said there are some fundamentals to take care of first. Is Your Website on an SEO Friendly Platform? Some website platforms are more SEO friendly than others. For example, platforms such as GoDaddy and Weebly are hosted platforms and have limitations. Self hosted platforms such as WordPress do
Why LinkedIn is Important: Reasons to Polish Your Profile TODAY
Why LinkedIn is Important: Reasons to Polish Your Profile TODAY You’ve heard LinkedIn is important but is it actually? And if so, why? We take a deep dive into the networking platform. Did you know that LinkedIn, the professional social networking platform, has actually been around longer than Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, and Instagram? But it’s more relevant now than ever. Why? Because it hosts more than 600 million professional profiles, which means nearly an unlimited supply of network connections and job opportunities. From seeking a new job to maintaining your
Law Firm Marketing Strategies: 8 Tactics for 2021
Law Firm Marketing Strategies: 8 Tactics for 2021 In this article, I’ll show you the latest law firm marketing strategies and techniques you can incorporate into your 2021 marketing plan. It includes a collection of law firm marketing ideas you can leverage to start attracting a steady stream of customers to your firm fast. Imagine being at the top of Google for your keywords; receiving high-quality, qualified traffic; growing your client base, and increasing profits. This is all within reach. Is 2021 the year that you finally take control of your
10 Ways to Generate More Leads and Referrals on LinkedIn
10 Ways to Generate More Leads and Referrals on LinkedIn It’s not hard–and maybe the best 20 minutes you spend every day Everyone seems to be on LinkedIn. So you are too. But are you actually generating leads and referrals? Here’s a blueprint for using LinkedIn to prospect more effectively from Sandler Training, a leading sales, management, and leadership training organization. 1. Prepare a digital version of your 30-Second Commercial and include that text in your LinkedIn profile. The main thing to remember about LinkedIn is this: It is a huge, never-ending, virtual networking
Exploring The Potential Marketing Applications Of Non-fungible Tokens (NFTs)
The Rise of NFTs and What It Means for Marketers Exploring the potential marketing applications of non-fungible tokens If you’ve been online these days, you’ve probably come across some incessant buzz about something called non-fungible tokens (NFTs). Lindsay Lohan and YouTuber Logan Paul both created some sort of digital collectibles based on NFTs; Post Malone teamed up with a startup called Fyooz to launch a celebrity beer pong league using NFTs, and the first NFT artwork just went on sale at major auction house Christie’s. So what exactly is an NFT? How do they work? Why
Aleada Media Group || Innovating with AR & AI Marketing
Innovating with AR & AI Marketing Augmented reality and artificial intelligence aren’t just for B2B marketers anymore, and as we move into 2020 we’re likely to see a new decade of B2B that keeps moving farther away from “boring-To-Boring” and towards more to B2c-like experiences. Ar and AI are a key part of what consumers increasingly expect to find in those experiences. Augmented reality (AR) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) has turned into a hotly debated issue among marketers. Marketers nowadays are gathering hills of information. However, it is true that
Biggest SEO Mistakes & How To Avoid Them
Biggest SEO Mistakes & How To Avoid Them It’s easy to make mistakes with an SEO campaign and it’s easy
Do You Know Your Website’s Potential?
Do You Know Your Website’s Potential? Our traffic projection tool will show your website’s true organic potential, aka how much
How To Stay Competitive in A Mobile-Friendly World
How To Stay Competitive in A Mobile-Friendly World Learn why having an amazing mobile version of your website is an
How We Get Amazing Results Through SEO & Content Marketing
How We Get Amazing Results Through SEO & Content Marketing SEO marketing and content often are seen as synonymous, but
The Ultimate SEO Guide to Google My Business
The Ultimate SEO Guide to Google My Business The ultimate SEO guide to GMB This guide will answer questions about
How to Improve Your Website & Make Search Engines Rank Your Site
How to Improve Your Website & Make Search Engines Rank Your Site If your website resembles a random collection of